Motivation to Sew
Do you have lots of ideas for sewing projects, but just never seem to get around to actually sewing them? That happens to me, too. I always think I will do them just as soon as I have time. I think I have found a solution to that “Just Don’t Get Around to It Syndrome”.
My solution to the Just Don’t Get Around To It Syndrome is this: Join a sewing group and participate in the group’s projects. If you are part of a sewing group, you will have lots of support and encouragement. You may find it easier to get started sewing a project when you have friends to help answer questions and maybe even shop together for fabric and supplies. Your circle of friends will definitely grow. And if you have a little bit of a competitive spirit, you will push yourself to meet project deadlines.
I belong to several different sewing groups and I find myself completing more projects because I am involved in those groups. For example, I recently completed a purse that I never would have gotten around to making if the Sew Styling Neighborhood Group had not been sewing purses. I made the purse using Simplicity pattern 2617 and fabric from my stash. Pictures of the purse are shown below.
I never would have made the jacket I described in my blog of May 24, 2024 if the Lansing Clippers had not been working on a jacket project. Again, I was motivated to sew because I was a member of this group. Several years ago, I made 12-piece coordinated wardrobe because I committed myself to do a presentation on how to sew a coordinated wardrobe at a Lansing Clippers meeting. Without that motivation, I would not have made that wardrobe.
I am also a member of a group of six friends who meet once a month for no other reason than to just sew together. I love sewing with those friends! It is always a learning experience and I come home just filled with new ideas and new projects that I am excited about sewing.
If you are not a member of a sewing group, look for one to join. It will give you motivation to sew!
Have fun sewing,