Monday, August 27, 2018

Response to Comment on Recent Post  

I received a comment on my Aug. 23rd post, “Taking Risk with Color”.  That person asked if I could show a picture of the kelley green top with the wine pants so readers could determine if the two looked okay together or not.  I think that is a good idea.  I realize I am not good with colors, so I do not want to rely on my own opinion.  I have included a picture of the two items along with a closeup. Hopefully you can see the colors better in the closeup.  

It is not a big deal if the two do not coordinate.  I know the green looks good with the beige pants, the navy pants and the navy skirt.  So, I will be able to include the top as part of the 12-piece wardrobe.  

The only difference it makes is the total number of outfits made with the wardrobe.  If the green top does not look good with the wine pants, I will still have 68 outfits from the wardrobe.  If the green top does look okay with the wine pants, I will have 72 outfits from the wardrobe.  I consider either number great for my efforts in making the wardrobe.  I will be happy with either!

I am interested in your opinion.  You can make a comment in the "Post a Comment" section at the bottom of this post. 



Thursday, August 23, 2018

Taking Risk with Color  -      
As I was planning the 10th article of clothing for my 12-piece wardrobe, I decided to step out of my color comfort zone and try something different.   I decided to make a top using a kelly green knit fabric.  I used navy, tan, and wine for all the bottom pieces (skirt and pants) and I used prints and a plaid with those colors for the first four tops.  Kelly green will take me in a different direction, but I think it will work.  I know it works with navy and tan, but does it work with wine?  I am not sure, but I am going to risk it! 

I used the same pattern that I used for my color-blocked knit top.  It is McCall’s pattern M6964.  That is the great thing about reusing a pattern.  You don’t have to spend any time fitting it.  The same pattern will look different when made with different fabrics or by changing a small detail.  I decided to add an embroidered design to the front of the top.  A close-up of the finished design is shown below along with a picture of the top.

I am publishing this post while I am at the American Sewing Guild Lansing Chapter’s Sewing Retreat.  We are at the Farmstead Inn in Shipshewana, Indiana.  Fifteen of us are sewing in a large room with lots of sunlight.  For those of you who have never been to a sewing retreat, it is a really fun experience for a dedicated sewer!  I have been asked if I would accomplish more if I simply stayed at home and sewed by myself.  Perhaps, but there is much more than simply sewing involved here.  I learn so much by interacting with all these talented, creative women plus I have no responsibilities to cause interruptions.  I don’t have to stop to prepare meals, wash dishes or do laundry.  And the ideas I get are endless.   This is the second day of this retreat.   There is a baby quilt in progress, a finished crib sheet, a queen size quilt top finished except for the border, a partially finished Halloween tree decoration, a table runner in progress, an almost done blouse, two pillow cases, two quilts in progress, some quilt blocks for a block swap, a doll dress, two tops, two pants, one messenger bag in progress, coasters, quilted wall hanging, the beginning of a coat, and five purses.  

Last night we ate dinner in an Italian restaurant in Middlebury and tonight we are eating American food in a different restaurant in Middlebury.  We sew anytime and for as long as we can stay awake!  I started this morning at 7:00 a.m.  My assessment of sewing retreats is they are a great place to learn new skills and get ideas from others.  You will accomplish more if you plan what you are going to sew before you go.  It also helps if you do some prep work on your projects.  For example, cut out all pieces and iron on the interfacings before you leave.  Then you are ready to sew upon arrival. 

We have our dates for next year’s sewing retreat set.  It will be here in Shipshewana from September 11 – 14.  All of us are looking forward to it already.

I hope your sewing projects are going well and I hope a sewing retreat is in your future!


Friday, August 3, 2018

Navy Print Shirt and Craft Show Items

For the navy print shirt, I decided to use the same computer-generated pattern I used for the scrappy plaid shirt.  I did not like the length of the plaid shirt, so I shortened the pattern by 1 ¼  inch.  This shirt is also made from 100% cotton, but feels different because it is not a pieced fabric like the scrappy plaid and also it is more tightly woven. 

I thought this shirt would be even easier to sew than the previous one because I believed the fabric quality was better.  The collar/collar stand piece went on without a hint of a problem.  However, the sleeves did not go into the armscye on the first try. 

I remembered to try the 3-thread overlock stitch on my Babylock Ovation serger for finishing the seams.  I did not like it on this fabric.  The 4-thread overlock stitch provided more stabilization for the individual seams.  I like the look of the pressed open seam with both sides of the seam serged separately.  The 3-thread overlock stitch would probably have worked if I had serged both sides together and then pressed the seam to one side.  It is a personal preference and I prefer the look of the pressed open 4-thread overlock stitched seam. 

A picture of the navy print blouse is below.

I am not especially good at choosing colors which is probably why I don’t get excited about quilting.  I do quilt, but it is not my favorite thing to do.  I am learning more about colors as I continue to work on this coordinated wardrobe.  At the last American Sewing Guild (ASG) chapter meeting, I discussed a color choice for my next piece of the wardrobe with Mary A.   We were looking at a piece of double sided fabric.  One side was royal blue and the other side was navy.  I was wondering if the royal blue would look okay with the navy pants I made.  Mary told me she read somewhere that all blues look okay together.  Then I remembered something my quilting friends told me.  They said that all greens can be used together.  Maybe I should be a little more adventurous when it comes to choosing colors for my wardrobe.

In addition to working on this wardrobe, I had to take a little time to sew something to contribute to the ASG for the craft show at Country Stitches.  I made a baby blanket and a chef’s outfit for an 18-inch doll.  Pictures of those articles are shown below.  The craft show will be held Thursday, August 9th at Country Stitches from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.   There will be lots of vendors and Country Stitches will be holding a sale to celebrate its 36th year in business! 

I plan to make a green knit top for my 10th piece of this wardrobe.  After that, I just have one other top and one jacket to sew to complete the 12-piece wardrobe.

I hope your sewing projects are going well.
