Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Purple Raincoat             

The purple raincoat is finished!  I started fitting the pattern for this coat last August when I was at the Lansing Chapter American Sewing Guild’s sewing retreat in Shipshewana, Indiana.  I planned to use the pattern to make a purple raincoat.  I chose Vogue pattern V8884.  The pattern had a front and back yoke with a collar and collar stand.  I made a muslin to check the fit of the pattern.  The first muslin was so big I decided to make another muslin one size smaller.  However, I did not have any muslin left.  I did have some fabric in my stash that would be appropriate for a winter coat, not a raincoat.  I decided to use that fabric to check the fit instead of muslin.  If the coat fit, I would have a new winter coat and if it did not fit, I would simply toss it into the trash.  The second attempt was successful and I had new winter coat.  I posted about making this coat Oct. 14, 2018 (My Accidental Winter Coat).

I still had the purple water-repellent fabric I purchased from Field’s Fabric to make a raincoat.  I also had a pattern I liked that would fit, so I started the raincoat.  The coat went together well because I was familiar with the pattern after using it for the winter coat.  I wanted a purple print fabric for the lining.   However, that was difficult to find.  Although I found and purchased a purple print fabric, I hesitated to use it.  It appeared to be too thin to use as a lining.  I think it would be more appropriate for a scarf.  So, that fabric remains in my stash! 

I continued my search for a lining fabric and found it a couple of weeks ago at JoAnn Fabrics.  It is a multi-color print that includes purple.  Although it is a silky-feeling fabric it appears to be sturdy enough to work well as a lining.  It gives the purple coat the pizazz it needs. 

I purchased buttons for the coat from Sticks and Strings yarn shop in Lansing's Old Town District.  The buttons have a textured look and work well on the raincoat.

Pictures of the coat are shown below.

My next project will be fitting a pants pattern on a model.  Sewing pants is easy, but getting the proper fit is necessary before the sewing begins!  In February I will post about fitting and sewing pants.  I plan to talk about the steps in the fitting and sewing process and will show lots of pictures.

I hope you are planning many new projects for the new year!



  1. Very nice raincoat and I love the lining fabric!

    1. Thanks, Char! With the coat finished, I am looking forward to doing the pants fitting in February.
